I think it takes us longer than anyone on the planet to get moved in a house and settled down. Ha! We have "been moving in" for about a month, and Sunday, we finally finished everything! No more boxes, no more pictures to hang, some new furniture equals one happy gal!
These pictures aren't the best, but all I have taken so far. And honestly, I'm too tired to get up and take more right now. :) I am so excited to be done. Well, almost done. We're all moved in, but there are a few things I'd like to have for the house. I mentioned in my last post I need curtains, but I also need a painting of some sort for my kitchen. So... instead of spending lots of money, I am going to ATTEMPT a Pinterest project! I will be sure to post pictures (good or bad) when I have some time to work on it! I did this little project tonight...
More pics soon! ;)