Tuesday, August 21, 2012

All Moved In

I think it takes us longer than anyone on the planet to get moved in a house and settled down. Ha! We have "been moving in" for about a month, and Sunday, we finally finished everything! No more boxes, no more pictures to hang, some new furniture equals one happy gal! 

These pictures aren't the best, but all I have taken so far. And honestly, I'm too tired to get up and take more right now. :) I am so excited to be done. Well, almost done. We're all moved in, but there are a few things I'd like to have for the house. I mentioned in my last post I need curtains, but I also need a painting of some sort for my kitchen. So... instead of spending lots of money, I am going to ATTEMPT a Pinterest project! I will be sure to post pictures (good or bad) when I have some time to work on it! I did this little project tonight...
More pics soon! ;)

Monday, August 13, 2012

This & That

I know it's been a while since my last post, but to say life has been crazy is an understatement! We are FINALLY in our new house. I LOVE it! Our dining room/office is still full of boxes while we wait on some furniture, but other than that, things are coming together!

It's a work in progress, but I'm enjoying doing a little decorating here and there. :) I NEED curtains for the kitchen and living room. I just don't want to spend too much money, so I'm waiting on a sale!
I spent this weekend in Russellville so I could see Matt for more than 5 minutes. He is working there for a few weeks... for Tacklecenter and at the carwash we bought a few weeks ago... Don't ask. He does the investing! :) HA! So... while he worked, I got to spend some time with this cutie...

She is so grown up! I have to brag on her momma and daddy... Emily will be 2 in December. She can count to ten, say her ABC's, and she is just about potty trained. And the cuteness. Oh my!
Happy Monday!